About Spinal Flow Technique
Our bodies are so clever. They protect us from our environment in daily situations by holding stress so that we can release it when safe. The trouble is these days - safe never comes because we are go, go, go and our bodies hold this stress.
What kind of stress?
Physical Stressors ~ injuries from our past, everyday bending and lifting, extended sitting, sleeping positions
Emotional Stressors ~ from seemingly insignificant episodes in the school playground to larger upheavals such as divorce
Chemical Stressors ~ are more prevalent than ever with all of the toxins that surround us, from cleaning products, candles, and perfume to medicines and alcohol
When the stress remains, layers form in our nervous system and the body starts to adapt to these blockages and we feel pain, illness, and eventually ‘dis-ease’.
There are 7 gateways used in Spinal Flow to assess where a spinal blockage may be present and is usually consistent with symptoms. That said Spinal Flow focuses on the good within the body, rather than poking around with what hurts we find areas of ease and bring that into the body, shifting to a parasympathetic state to enable healing.
Sessions are led with gentle touch-based healing via access points in the sacrum and cranium. This reminds the body to create more ease and release stress.
Again, our bodies are so clever. Our bodies know how to heal and in what order, way better than the practitioner or a client's mind. There is an innate intelligence inside the body, often called prana, life force, source, or chi. Unobstructed it will travel through the nervous system, along the spine, feeding every cell in our body. When our nerve energy is restored to flow freely without obstruction we create a Spinal Flow and move out of survival. Not only does pain and ‘dis-ease’ disappear but we begin to thrive.
Benefits of Spinal Flow
~ do you have all day?
The benefits of spinal flow would be a never-ending list because there is no limit to what the body can heal from and become! What we see from spinal flow to date is merely scratching the surface of what is possible. The community is constantly amazed by the stories shared, which broadly include help with:
“Pain, mobility, stress, sleep, inflammation, immunity, emotions, focus & mental clarity, breathing, digestion, detoxification, energy, fertility, pregnancy & grounding”
“Anxiety, headaches & migraines, sciatica, IBS, constipation, asthma, fibromyalgia, ENT and other chronic conditions”
Spinal Flow Technique is founded by Australian former Chiropractor, Dr Carli Axford, and is a new modality in the UK.